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Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast Augmentation Recovery

The best thing to do before and after breast augmentation surgery is to prepare your body, mind, and yes, your home. Following some very simple steps can not only shorten your recovery time, but also help achieve the results you’ve been hoping for.

What can I do before surgery to shorten the healing process?

6 Weeks before surgery:

  •         No smoking, this includes cigarettes, vaping and any illegal narcotics.
  •         No nicotine patches or gum.

2 Weeks before surgery:

  •         No alcohol
  •         Avoid foods that are rich in Vitamin E and Omega 3 as they lead to increased bleeding.
  •         Avoid avocados, ginger, ginseng, broccoli, garlic, nuts/seeds, and vegetable oils.

1 Week before surgery:

  •         Prepare your space – it’s a great idea to clean out your home in the week preceding the surgery.  Make sure that the bedding is clean, drawers are organized, and the laundry is done so there will be nothing for you to worry about during recovery.
  •         Stock up – this is another important thing to do before surgery. Stock up with all your food essentials that you’ll need. You’re going to go easy on your tummy during recovery. Reword the last sentence 
  •         Organize your space – keep your necessities in one place so it’ll be easier to find them when needed.
  •         Put together a handy wardrobe –ensure you have your post surgical compression bra & get some loose-fitting tops and comfortable t-shirts ready to go in your wardrove. You’ll find button-down shirts are easier to remove since you’ll have restrained use of your arms, and and it’s recommended to wear breathable fabrics is a must anytime you are out there in the sun.
  •         Child and pet care – if you have a little child or pet in your home, you might want to plan for their care before breast augmentation surgery.
  •         Buy a digital thermometer – you’ll need to watch your temperature after breast augmentation surgery. Fever during the first few days after the procedure might be a sign of infection.

How long does it take to recuperate after breast augmentation?

In most cases, recovery lasts about 6 to 8 weeks and it can be broken down into 3 stages of healing:

Here’s what the stages may look like:

Immediately after surgery

Breast augmentation surgery takes approximately two hours. Once you wake from the anesthesia, you will need to arrange to be driven home by a family member or friend who will keep you  company. It is common to feel a little drowsy from the anesthesia; and to feel side effects can include like tingling, tightness, soreness around the chest area,  and with some women also report an upset stomach. As far as pain goes, many women say that the discomfort they feel is similar to a slight pressure on their chest as though they finished a hard workout. You will be given prescription medications to help offset any of your discomfort. It is recommended that you wait 24 hours after surgery before eating any large meals, and 48 hours before showering. After your shower make sure you pat the incisions dry prior to putting your bra back on. Avoid any submerging in water ie. baths/jacuzzis/pools for 6 weeks.. Women recovering from breast augmentation should also avoid any heavy lifting for the first 3-5 days after surgery, for risk of ruptured implants ing something, or opening wounds opening.opening 

First 5-7 days

After the first few days, you should be able to shower and return to light physical activities. After the first week, you can start going back to work, resuming regular outings, and using over-the-counter medications to support any pain or discomfort you might still be feeling.  It is also important during this time period to check in with your doctor if you feel anything irregularities irregular such as severe, persistent pain, constipation, bloating, and fatigue lasting more than a few days, constant pressure that gets worse, and hardening or softening of the implants.

Next 3-5 weeks

  •         Over the next few weeks, you will notice pronounced upper fullness in your breast. The top part of your breast will swell at first, but this swelling will start to go down after approximately four weeks. The soreness you still feel in your chest, similar to having pulled a muscle, will start to dissipate over the next first few weeks.
  •         Full recovery – full recovery can take anywhere from 6 months to 1 year. Some women might feel occasional swelling or burning sensations that can extend up to six months. In almost all cases, pain stops after the first few months, but can persist throughout the first year in some patients. This full recovery marks the full repair of cells, tissues, and nerve endings, which take the longest amount of time to make a full recovery. After one year, your nerve endings should regenerate, and your feeling in your breasts should completely come back. All of the side effects felt including changes to the posture, discomfort, or dull pain will dissipate gradually as your breasts start to settle and assume their more permanent position. Your symptoms should be gone within By the first year, and your breasts should take on their final shape, position, and appearance. 

How much pain should you anticipate?

Not as painful as you might think.

  •         Immediately after surgery – this portion on your recovery is when you will experience the least amount of discomfort. As you are waking from the general anesthesia that is used for your surgery, you will notice an increase of weight on your chest from the implants and some minor aching or tightness in the breast. Mostly, however, you will be groggy and disoriented from the general anesthesia.
  •         Hours after surgery – your breasts will continue to have some moderate achiness or tenderness. during the hours after your surgery. Some women compare the feeling to pulling a muscle, particularly if they have implants placed beneath the muscle.
  •         Days after surgery – the 3-5 days following your treatment is when you will likely feel the most discomfort. This is because the healing process has officially begun, which may mean there is some inflammation around your incisions and your implants as your body adjusts to accommodate the surgery. Most women feel minor twinges, tenderness, and aching, but usually, this amount of discomfort goes away within the week and can be easily managed by over-the-counter medications.
  •         Weeks after surgery – in the weeks following your surgery, your soreness will gradually disappear as you heal from the procedure. Many women feel little to no pain within 2 to 3 weeks, aside from some mild tenderness. By the time you have reached 1 month after surgery, most of your soreness should have subsided. be gone. Some women compare this soreness to breast tenderness associated with PMS.

What sort of scarring should I anticipate?

Breast augmentation scars can appear inconspicuous through thoughtful incision placement and diligent scar management. There are also different incision options:

There are three areas the incision can be made:

  •         Concentric or donut – this incision traces all the way around the areola and is nearly invisible when healed.
  •         Circumvertical or lollipop – like the concentric incision, this incision traces all the way around the areola but adds a vertical line down toward the bottom of the breast.
  •         Inverted T or anchor – the inverted T incision traces all the way around the areola, down vertically to the bottom of the breast, and horizontally along the inframammary crease where the breast meets  the chest wall.

The time it takes for scars to heal can vary from women to women. This can be affected by skin type and lifestyle choices too. It is common that soon after your surgery, scars will begin to form as the incision areas heal. Initially, there may be redness and swelling in the area as well. It is likely that the scar itself will remain red and bumpy for around 6 weeks.

Ask your Doctor for a scar therapy cream. It’s recommended to start using a scar therapy cream at 5 weeks post surgery. This will reduce the appearance of the scar. It is important to push hard on the scars when applying the ointment to assist in flatten the scars. The scars will feel lumpy for a number of weeks

Please keep all incisions out of the sun for a minimum of 12 months post surgery. Any sun damage can make scars appear darker.

However please note itIt can takebe up to 6 months until t later when the scars actually heal. The color will gradually change from red to pink and then finally to white. Whereas they will have been red and bumpy, it is at this time that they begin to soften to the touch. This is known as incision maturity.

When may I resume regular activities?

Majority of women are able to return to desk jobs about a week following surgery. After the first week, patients are encouraged to slowly ease back into light exercise and normal daily routine. Refrain from strenuous or jarring activity like running, horseback riding or rigorous workouts. Heavy lifting is also discouraged until after full recovery. Patients with labor-intensive jobs are recommended to remain away from work for at least three weeks.

Generally speaking, after two months, most women are fully cleared to resume all normal activities.

Other tips for a healthy recovery.

  •        Wear your surgical BRA 

It is recommended to wear your post opertaive Bra, during the initial recovery period. You will required to wear a compression bra day and night for the next 6 weeks if you have textured breast implants or 12 weeks if you have smooth implants. any bra you wear during the first 6 weeks should be free from underwire.

Use ice packs to reduce swelling

  •         Manage pain with scheduled prescribed pain medicine
  •         Get plenty of rest and take it easy
  •         Sleep on your back
  •         Plan ahead and arrange for a caregiver to help
  •         Wear your surgical bra
  •         Develop healthy habits including healthy meals and light exercise
  •         Avoid applying unauthorized lotions or creams
  •         Avoid the sun and apply sun screen when you do go in the sun
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